Friday, January 23, 2009


I really want to put it out there how proud I am of my hardworking husband! A lot of us out there I'm sure have at one point in our lives felt our hard work has gone slightly unnoticed. I know there are tough days at work, and rude customers, but Devin stands above the rest when it comes to dealing with things like such. He has such a kind heart and a willingness to patiently help each customer that calls in for help despite their occasional poor attitudes. He is such a great asset to Fidelity's company, and I think they are really starting to see it.
  • His boss recently told him about a job offer that he put Devin's name in for which would open an ample amount of opportunities for him...and HE GOT IT!
  • He also won an Ipod Shuffle which he hasn't put down since!
  • And today he won an "EXELLENCE IN ACTION" award which awarded him $300

The Lord has been so good to him, and me too of course because when I see Devin happy and succeeding, I am ten times happier than he is. I am so thankful that we are a few of the lucky ones that have jobs that sustain us right now in these unstable times.

That is something my humble husband has taught me from day one, to ALWAYS remember to offer a prayer of gratitude to Heavenly Father for what He has given so freely to you.


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