Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's a BIGGY

My week 29 appointment was yesterday.
I got a Rhogam shot in the A...but I got to sport a cute band-aid the rest of the day on my cheek so it was worth it.
Then I was told I was BIG. I asked ''big as in fat, or big as in the baby?"
She said ---> your baby is BIG!
My reply ---> Ughhh,
Her reply -----> You just have a big uterus.

So....not sure what that means..My lady parts know what that means, for sure...But atleast he wont come out a wimpy baby (if he will even fit through the exit door)...


Monday, November 2, 2009

Titty Kitty and stuff

SUPER busy week. Grams and Gramps did a lil emergency visit to SLC for a hospital stay. I did not like seeing my gram so sick and seeing everyone so sad and scared. Thank God she is okay. I sure did enjoy seeing my family though.

My dad helped me make mine and Dev's kitty costumes in Gram's hospital room. It was pretty fun. And for planning it last minute and not putting a lot of money into Halloween this year, we won FUNNIEST costumes at the partay.

I'm glad I don't have 6 more teets though. My hooters kept getting smashed and rubbed on everything I came near. Poor kitties. Two honkers are quite enough thank you.

Enjoy the peep show.