- He started crawling on January 12th (my birthday) and has been feelin' pretty cool about his new trick.
- He can say "Hiiiiyaaah!" when he throws his toys.
- He drops nearly everything I put on his highchair tray on the floor, and says "uh oh"
- He requires an army to get his diaper changed. Terds can be quite messy.
- He has learned how to give us something when we say "please". He will put it in our hand, and he will say "thank you" with us.
- He puts the cell phone up to his ear and says "hi".
- He can say "duck duck" when he sees a duck.
He has been the sunshine in my sky, the pickle on my hamburger, and the poop in my diaper.
I LOVE HIM SO MUCH it stings.
These are some of the latest pics we took when my mom came to visit on her birthday. See ya!
(The ducks had to fight Jude for their bread)
Happy Birthday Grandma Lorrie, Mama, Papa and Jude!
Watch the sequence of pics below...This is what happens when you touch fire, Jude.
I love this lil' goon.