This is for those who have patiently waited for pictures. It has taken me several days to do what used to take me 20 minutes!
Jude's first big visit home was amazing. It is so good to go home. I love watching the new grandparents hold Jude. So many people took time out of their weekend to come visit us and meet Jude. I am so thankful for so many good people in my life. Jude has a good solid family from both my side and Devin's side, and I am so excited for him to grow older and get to know all of his family better. I am still riding on a cloud. My perspective on a lot of things have changed. I sorta feel like a new person and it feels so neat. I want all my family and friends to be included and involved in this lil' man's life because I don't want him to miss out on knowing such great people.
I love you family & friends! Thank you so much for loving us!
Right after I changed him in a nasty public restroom, he peed all over me in the Devin changed him on his lap. Fun road trip home!
Great Gramps and Grams Birgle!
Tons of people say he looks like Devin and my Dad...Too very handsome men!