For almost a whole year now, our casa has been TV FREE. I was super sad when it first began, and I felt alienated from the world and all the latest and greatest happenings on the boob.
But with the passin of time I have noticed how great it's been not having that annoying box on.
Really, I can wake up to a quiet house instead of immediately letting my mind get bombarded with depressing news, controversy, gossip, and stupid advertising.
My self-esteem has been the biggest change. I am not sucked into all the appearance-is-everything-and-if-you-are-fat-or-ugly-you-are-nothing garbage. I don't have to watch the "ugly duckling turns beautiful" shows, or watch judges criticize others for their looks, talents, or personality just for fun. I don't have to see all the diet commercials tellin their sweet lies. I don't have to watch the reality shows - I HATE THEM - that show a bunch of beotchy girls fight with one another, or see chicks in their g-strings grinding up on perverted men. REALLY, how is this fun?
Devin and I have both been so much happier without that tv. It's like an addiction! I know not ALL of it is negative, like Animal Planet (I miss it the most...cuz I'm a dork), but its still just a huge time blower. Duh.
So anywho, just wanted to share the goodness of being without the boob.